If the driver who caused your accident has no insurance, it is important to understand your options and get experienced legal representation on
your side. Although it is against state law, not all drivers have auto insurance. This means that you may be responsible for paying for your medical and nonmedical fees resulting from the accident. Instead of letting this happen, you should retain the representation of an experienced personal injury attorney in southern Indiana who can help you seek rightful compensation.
I am attorney Marc Sedwick, and I can help you understand your available options to pursue a settlement and guide you toward the best possible outcome.
Seeking Compensation In Uninsured Motorist Cases
As the victim of an uninsured motorist, getting the compensation you deserve may be extremely difficult. If you do not have uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage, your insurance company may try to avoid paying out your claim. Its objective will be to have you pay for the medical and nonmedical fees, even though you are not liable.
As unfair as this may be, this situation is all too common; however, at my firm, SedwickLaw, PC, I can provide you with the necessary knowledge and tools that you will need to fight for a fair settlement. I can utilize my experience as a southern Indiana personal injury lawyer to file a comprehensive claim against the at-fault motorist. I am determined to recover the compensation my clients need and deserve.
Are You The Victim Of An Uninsured Motorist In Southern Indiana?
Whether you have important questions that need to be answered or you want to get started on your case, now is the time to speak with me. I can provide you with the exceptional representation you deserve and help you determine the best plan of action for your uninsured motorist case.
Being the victim of a car accident is already traumatizing enough, let alone trying to recover money from someone who is not insured.
Contact SedwickLaw, PC, by calling 812-920-4594 to learn how I can help you pursue the compensation to which you are entitled.